Dude Looked Like a Lady (Cincinnati Enquirer) A volunteer firefighter is scheduled to appear in Municipal Court on drunken driving and other charges after he was found wearing a woman's blond wig and bikini in a public park.
Man Damages Old Master Painting (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
A man put his foot through a $300,000 painting at the Milwaukee Art Museum and told museum workers later that the image disturbed him.
Mayor Chases Rival's Wife Over Sign (Associated Press)
Mayor Tom Clauder was so upset when he saw a woman pull one of his campaign signs out of the ground near City Hall on election day, that he chased the woman's car in his pickup truck. When he called police about the matter, he learned the woman was his opponent's wife.
Pregnant Woman Accused of Selling Sex (Associated Press)
A seven-months-pregnant woman has been accused of soliciting money for sex in an advertisement on a popular Web site, with her husband acting as her pimp.
Wolf Grabs Small Dog and Runs Off (Associated Press)
A black wolf snatched a small dog near a Juneau lake and ran into the woods with it.
Man Shot by Pistol Thrown in the Trash (Associated Press)
A Wichita man is recovering from a gunshot wound to the hand from a pistol that was thrown in the trash.
Falling Woman Saved by Pile of ... (Reuters)
A Chinese woman survived a plunge from a sixth-floor balcony thanks to a convenient pile of excrement which broke her fall.
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